
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How can I celebrate who I am? - Term 4

Welcome back, well, hi! I had a great holiday of doing nothing. It was quite amazing. I also got a bit of news. Next year I am leaving this school, and moving to another. It's because I'm moving houses all the way to burnham, and my new school is quite close to the house we're living at. Meaning... I gotta walk. Well, the school is quite some distance away from it. So, I gotta walk a while. Anyways, enough explaining. Welcome to term 4. If you check the title, that's our new driving question. The driving question is all about, you guessed, how we gonna celebrate our race. So enjoy the blog.

So, what we're doing for this, we had to grab a piece of paper from a hat, and on those papers there were different countries. What ever country we had, we had to -
1. Find a food from the country and bring it next week (I believe) these foods can be foods that they made, or maybe what they eat there. You know, like a tradition.
and 2. You were to find a game that they play in that country. Or a drama, song, dance. Anything they do. There.

For my country, I got mexico, and I instantly knew what food I was doing. Tacos. And the game I am doing is Jump Rope. Yes, yes, I know, Jump Rope may not sound like a festival game. But after some research, I find out that jump rope is a popular one. And that's actually about it... I know it isn't much, but it's the first week back, so we haven't done the other parts yet.

How do you celebrate?

Anyways, that's about it. Sorry there isn't that much, as I said before, it is the first blog from my holiday, I'll be sure to inform you and create more blogs in the future. Thank you for listening, and...