
Friday, April 12, 2019


Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today, I will be sharing with you guys, about what we did for Art on, Thursday (April 11) So, sit back, relax and enjoy!
As you saw from above we were doing art on Thursday. Basically, there was 4 rotations of different, Art spaces: Cartoon, Pixel, Manga and, Bunnies. Each Home bases started in a different space, we started in, Cartoon.

For, cartoon. We used our chrome books and clicked us on a linked that brought us to a video on how to draw a cartoon character, but we could've picked another cartoon character to draw. I picked papyrus, a character from, UNDERTALE.

Next was, Pixel, we went on a site called, Pixilart. Before we did anything though, on the whiteboard, there was a, few, drawings we had to draw first. There was many of them: Pikachu, pizza slice, Mario, love heart face, sun glasses face, toothless, a banana and a, love heart (I think that's all of them) We we finished the pixel art, we got to search a pixel art up, and did it

Next was, Manga. We drew anime.

Finally, Bunnies. For bunnies we got handed a paper bunny with lines all over, we had to make patterns using only black and white. Once we finished, we had to cut him out, glue him to a card, then put some colourful glasses on him.

My favourite though, was, cartoon.I really hope you guys enjoyed what we did for, Art. I will be making more posts in the future.

What was, YOUR, favourite art?



Hello everybody, and welcome back to my blog! Today, I am going to be sharing you our, School Values. So, sit back, relax, and, enjoy.

First of all, I will tell you, what the School Values are. We have: Respect, Compassion, Service, and Integrity. This year, our principle, Mrs. Earl has decided to change the ways our, certificates are given to us. Instead of getting a certificate that says, "Neru Collins, for showing PATIENCE" we will get a certificate, IF, we are showing the school values.

If you would like to know more about our school values, visit: [St. Francis values]

What values do, YOU, show?

Thank you for reading about our, School Values. I will be making more posts in the future, PEACE!!!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2019


Hello, everybody! And, welcome... back to my blog! Today, I am going to be sharing with you my, Digi-awards! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my blog post.

In W8. We got introduced to Digi-awards. Basically, we had to work with a buddy to make an: Animation, or stop motion, or even a scratch project, to explain; 'What, Greatness is.'

First, of course, we had to start with our planning. So we had to plan for the, Transition. We had to plan for the, script, etc, etc. You get the point. THEN! We started working on our project.

When, me and, Leo first started our Digi-awards, we were going to do a google sheet drawing, BUT THEN, I realised... "Dis iz gunna take 4evr" so we decided that we are going to do a....


 Basically, our stop motion is about: A short guy who walks up to a tall guy, and asks what greatness is.

Tall guy then replies, and explains... what greatness is.

This was a, LOAD, of FUN to do. Trying our best to succeed. Trying to make it gud. It was just a heap of fun!
I really hope you, ALL, enjoyed for what I do for, Digi-awards. 
And I'm wondering, what did, YOU guys do for Digi-awards?