
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Stanford University Course - Term 3

Welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be sharing with you my work on, Stanford University Course, basically, we got given I task to do. We had to fill out a course on this site, called, "Stanford University" I thought it was fun... anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Basically, we got given lessons, I'm going to be sharing with you, 6 of them. and, the lessons were actually kinda fun/interesting, anyways, here's my first lesson.

Lesson 1:

My first lesson was a video about interviewing people on how they feel about Math, some people like it, or dislike it. I then got given a Quiz to write about the people who, disliked it or, liked it.

Here's what I wrote:

On this video, people often dislike, Math, or like it. In my opinion, I hate Math. That might offended people, but it's my opinion.

Anyways, I think the reason people like Math is because,

1. They probably have a lot of experience in different Math strategies, so when given a question, they can easily solve it.
2. They're really into, as in they might pay attention into what they're doing and, not giving up easy.
3. They have a growth mindset. Like I said before, they never give up, they have a growth mindset, they believe in themselves, when they fail, they're okay with it, they always stay on track.
4. They're just plain-out smart (I ain't saying you, HAVE to be smart to achieve in Math, but... deal with it)

And now, the reasons I think they DON'T, like Math:

1. They might not be paying attention as much towards it. They might find it boring, or they might see it not important. (Like me)
2. The strategies might be difficult to them, or maybe plain Math is just hard for them. When they are given a problem, they find it difficult, so they give up.
3. They have a fixed mindset, maybe they just feel like they can't solve anything, they might feel like they are nothing, maybe they feel.... useless?
4. They might be less-smart then others to understand Math, they might be less-smart to... solve anything.

So, do people like Math? It's a 50/50, some like it, some don't. They can decide.

So, yeah! That was my Quiz! Anyways, after that I got given another video called, "Maths Myth and the Brain" It's basically just saying, "Can anyone succeed in Math? And, other stuff like that, I got given a Quiz to decide, can people really succeed in Math? I picked all of them then, NEXT VIDEO!!

Oh, this one was interesting, basically, in this one, they talked about connections to the brain, they talked about how, when given a problem, and ya fail, connections connect together, but wait, there was this girl who had, HALF OF HER BRAIN REMOVED! HOW COOL IS THAT!? Anyways, after that, sadly, they put half the brain back, then, they didn't realise how fast it connected again. Anyways, that was that.

But, I then had to fill a report/recap on what I learnt on that lesson, here's what I wrote:

1) If you think you are not smart because you can't solve problems, don't think that! Everybody is the same person in the inside, don't be shy to say questions to one another, failure is actually good for us for a number of reasons. Failure makes us far more interesting, because we learn more from failure than success. No one likes to fail, and that makes perfect sense, but hey! I fail a lot, and yes, it makes me sad, but at least I'm giving are best shot!

2) Some people like or, dislike Math. This probably involves on how much they can succeed in Math, some people find it easy, some people might not, people like Math, people do not. Don't say they're bad because of they're opinion towards Math. It's just, THEY'RE, opinion, it's what, THEY think! Don't be mean! And, finally...

3) If you have half your brain removed, it can grow back fast [Sometimes... I think...]  Thank you!

And, that was Lesson 1!

Now, lesson 2:

This is where, your mindset comes in to play, they just talked about, having a growth/fixed mindset (Like I said before) and talked about the differences between them, they talked on how growth people get work done faster, and talked about how people with fixed mindset don't focus.

Another video was on called, "Messages about Math" but, let me explain this one.

So, people have fixed or growth mindsets, they either are good at Math, or not. People with fixed mindsets, tend to not pay attention or just don't focus... or give up. This occurs when people say bad things about them, like: You're not that good. You can't solve anything. So, they give up. They stop trying. BUT! When people have a growth mindset, they feel like... they can solve anything. When they fail, they don't give up, they don't stop trying. They get it accomplished no matter the challenges.

And, that was it!

Not. After that, I had to fill a report like last time, here it is:

Growth mindset -  means that you are really into any subject, if you fail you choose not to give up, you keep going until you succeed.
Fixed mindset - Means that as soon you get picked to do a problem, you instantly think, "I'm no good for this" or, "I'll just give up now" these people normally feel this way because of what others have said.

Failing is actually really helpful. When you fail, it gives you a chance to see what you did wrong, and do it right the next time, you just, keep and, keep and, keep failing. Until you realised, "That's what I did wrong!"

If you think because you fail that you are not smart... don't think that! Everybody's not right all the time, you're not the only one, million, sorry, I mean, BILLIONS of people have at least failed once in their life, so you don't need to feel ashamed!  Thank you!

And, that was lesson 2!

Lesson 3:

Oh, so, for this one, I got introduce to, "Fire synapses"` basically, when you fail, fire-glowing stuff glows in your brain, when this happens, your brain grows, and your connections to what you are stuck on, grow stronger. After that, we got given a quiz, here's what I put:

"Why is it good to make a mistake in Math?"   When you make a mistake in Math (Or in anything, your brain grows, when you fail, fire synapses in your brain meaning it is growing, this means, every mistake you make, means you can conquer the fails you make, and throw the negative vibes behind you, mistaking in Math is basically learning off your mistake, and trying to do it right again, every time you fail, your brain grows, it's called a,  "Growth mindset" what I'm trying to say is, the more mistakes you make, connections grow meaning when the same problem comes by, you can conquer it easily."

So yeah, that's the first thing I learnt.

Next video, was when they said that, "It's okay to fail in Math" basically, it doesn't if you aren't smart, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to solve it, just don't give up, believe in yourself. After that, we got given a few choices too pick from, so, I picked, "Feel comfortable in failing in Math"

And that was that, but, of course, we still got too fill in our report on how we did, so, this is what I put:

Having a growth mindset: First of all, Failing is actually very interesting, when you fail, fire sparks in your brain causing your brain to, grow more, this means, every time it grows, it's growing a connection between the problem, as long as you don't give up, and keep failing, the connection will be so strong you can be able to do it again. 

But, a fixed mindset: This Normally occurs if someone is saying some bad things about you, example:  "Your'e really bad at Math" "You can never finish this" "You can't achieve, anything" These comments make them sad, so if they fail, they feel like they can't solve anything, so what do they do?:  Give up. They stop trying. They don't keep going.  But, if you say something good about them, example:  "Wow, you're really smart!" "You're really good!" "That's amazing work!"  They feel better, since people say that they're smart, means they want to achieve the question so more people can call them smart, and they're so focused on doing the task, it doesn't matter if he fails, he tries again. If he stuck, he learns more. And this is making him grow his brain.  So, what have I learned?  Have a growth mindset! Failing is really good! Don't be sad if you fail, it doesn't mean anything! 

Okay, before I go onto lesson 4, I wanna say something.

These last lessons I ain't gonna be explaining much, so, yeah, there won't be that much info, anyways, here we go.

Lesson 4:

We learnt about number flexibility, I also know what 18x5 is, but, I forgot... OH! Also, they started taking about, "Talking about Math" that, by talking with each other, can solve question easily, and that was about it.

Lesson 5:

They got to interview wanna the co-founders of google, or somethin like that, and he talked about how you accomplish different thing, so, that was cool. I also learnt by drawing, question could be easier to solve questions.

and finally,

Lesson 6:

We learnt about Math and patterns, Math and Technology, stuff like that, and yeah!

After that, we had too fill in a course or something, but, that wasn't that interesting...

How well did you do in a course?

Anyways, that was that. Personally, I thought this was a great idea. We got too learn way more about Math. We got too learn way more about the brain. So... yeah... welp, without anymore talk...


Friday, July 26, 2019

The ethics issue, and my fitness circuit. - Term 3

Welcome back to my blog. Second blog if the term, eh? Well, today I'm going to tell you about my, Ethics issue, and my fitness circuit, so uh... I hope you enjoy!

So, for my Ethics Issue, we had to pick a topic to discuss about, and write our points about, why/not we should impose population, funny thing, my group actually didn't know what to do at first, Especially me, I was at, "Make a space" It's fun, but we ain't talking about that now, so my group had no idea what we were doing, so we literally made a full doc about us discussing about it, we were suppose to do it on a table, but we didn't! So! We finally knew what we were suppose to do, and we did it! 

(Before I show it, I'm only gonna show my points about it, not anyone else's, okay? Enjoy!

Why I think we SHOULD, impose population controls:

I personally think that, yes, we should impose it, because people are using, too much, food/water, people can't but the things they need, because it's all gone, too many places are being packed, and money has been a real hard thing for Mothers/Fathers. So, yes, I think we should.

Why I think we, SHOULDN'T, impose population controls:

It's just wrong to do it, imagine living you daily life, and your killed because of, overpopulation. It's just wrong too kill innocents JUST because of population controls. Imagine how the media/the world is going too react of this? Imagine how countries may react too this? Especially if the person was black, how are black people gonna react? It's just wrong too do such awful things to ANYBODY, all because of overpopulation.

What are your points?
Don't worry, this isn't the end, I still have too show you my fitness circuit, but, let me explain what I think of this task, I think it's an interesting task to do, we can see people's point, on why they would do, whatever they're doing, or why not, It's real fun doing these sorts of stuff, cause I can really tell other people, why/why not I think of it. Thanks!


My Fitness circuit!

So! My fitness circuit, I thought this was good, but I don't like too do fitness that much, it's just not a match for me.

Basically, yesterday (Well, July the, 25th, 2019) we got given a task to make our OWN fitness circuit, and the best one will get printed, we had too go on our, Kaupeka Site (To find what to do) and then get started!

Basically, we had to do a, Warm up (Just to get pumped into it) we had to do a, Muscular Endurance exercise (for our muscles of course (EX: Push ups or, Burpees) A Aerobic Exercise, then some finished... thingy...

Here's what I did:

So, for the Warm up, I chose to do, 4 mins of jogging on the spot, then 1 mins of stretching. I thought that was easy enough. THEN! We move onto, Muscular Endurance.

I thought it would be good to do, 2x of Burpees, 10 times (As in do 20 burpees) THEN! Do 2 sets of, Push ups, 15 times (So, 30 push ups in total) THEN! We move onto, Aerobic Exercises.

First, I picked to do, 2x sets of jogging around the field (So, jog around the entire back 2 times) Then, 2x of Star Jumps 15 times (30 Star Jumps) THEN! 2 mins of rest then, finally!

2x sets of 10m sprint, up and down the court (Sprint up and down the court, 2x) and finally, stretching for, 2 mins.

What's your fitness circuit?

That was it! I thought this idea was great! You get too create your own, fitness circuit. This was a lovely idea to do, you can see what other people have created, and see what simularities you have in common, seeing people's ideas for a fitness circuit was cool.

So, thank you for reading my blog, I hoped you enjoyed it...


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What will the future ask of us? - Term 3

Welcome back to my blog... so uh... it's been a while, hasn't it? I've actually had a great holiday. I went to Hanmer Springs. But I better stop telling you about my holiday, I'm here to explain about our 'Driving Question' which you guys should know from the title. So anyways let's begin...

We had to think about what's the difference between, Humans and Robots. In the future, will robots take over our Jobs? But, I ain't gonna tell that much, I'll share with you my differences between, Humans and Robots.

Here's what I got:

Human have minds and brain, we have to think about the problem, rather than going online, or seeing the problem. We have blood and organs, we need blood to survive, unlike robots, we have emotions for one another, unlike robots. We have a mind of our own, robots do not. Humans can't sprint forever, humans need sleep. If humans die, they can't get revived.

Robots don't have a mind/brain like us, they can go online and find the answer, they have no emotion, so if you are injured, or sad, they may not no what to do. Robots don't have organs or blood, unlike us, robots do not need sleep, they can work day and night without taking a single nap, but humans need sleep. Robots just focus on their task, they do what they are designed to do, they do not have a mind of their own. They are not lazy, they can run without taking a break, they also can carry many heavy things, unlike humans. If robots get destroyed, they can just get repaired.

We also got in groups, and we discussed 5 things that are a HUGE problem in this world.

Here they are:

1. Climate Change

Icebergs are melting, animals need cold, but it's always hot, animals are getting instinct, this world might be under water.

2. War/Conflict (Discrimination)

People are having a war over religious beliefs, discrimination, and intolerance. Civilians are getting scared about the world out there, many nations are getting destroyed, innocents are getting killed with no remorse. How will the world act?

3. Inequality

Different types of income, people will give less income to disabled people, or people from different races/skin colour, leading to discrimination.

4. Poverty

This means, people are not having enough of material possessions or income for a person needs. Absolute Poverty is, the complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic people needs, such as: Food, water, shelter and clothing. Meaning most people live in the streets.

5. Security

People are being scared in their own homes, they are being scared that one night, during their asleep, their belongings, people are scared that their house might get taken over by other humans.

What do you think this world might be like in the future?

Welp, that's it, I hope you enjoyed reading what we have done for this start of the Term. In my opinion, the PBL driving question is really interesting, I'm actually (Believe or not) intrigued on our next tasks, I'm interested on what more things we can learn. Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed, and...


Friday, July 5, 2019


(Note before starting: This is due, I just have to make a post to finish my stuff, hope you understand! Enjoy!)

heya, welcome back! Today, I got a surprise! COME ON DOWN TO ST, FRANCIS TO SEE CREATIONS! It'll be fun!

It's cool! You can see creations like: Podcast, Poetry Slams, Ted Talks and, dramas!

Ya wanna come join!?

Anyways, really hope ya come join, it's fun!


Breakout EDU - T2

heya again! It's me, the god himself, saviour of men and women, bringer of light and hope to all, jokes, im not up for the job. Anyways, for Today's blog, I will be discussing about, the Breakout EDU, anyways... let's begin?

We had 40 minutes to this, so... yeah...

So, Breakout EDU is basically a puzzle/escape room you and your group have to plan to get of. For this, we did it in our library, we had to find keys to break locks, find torch to see invisible ink, den yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. BOOM! We got...


Jokes, we did get nothing but, it was really fun, working together with new people, solving problems, making bigger connections, it was cool!

I think my time time was, 15 minutes left, so... we did pretty

What was your time?

So... I hoped you all enjoyed about out, Breakout EDU, and I will be seeing you next time...


Week 5 Bingo - T2

heya! Welcome back to my blog. Today, imma be sharing with you one of my Task's from Task completion. So, I hope you enjoy!

So, basically, for Week 5 bingo, we had to choose from many Task's but or main one to finish, was our math video, obviously, being the God myself, I've finished it, but, y'know, that's what I'm talking about.

Now, I know, I know, already made a blogpost about it, but who cares! It says we have to make it about, ONE of the task's, it didn't specify which one, so, here we go.

We had to solve questions from this problem solving thing called, "Stairs To Squares" then, we had to record ourselve explaining it, so... yeah... here's my video - Maths Video

I hoped you enjoyed that, I sure didn't.

what did ya do for ya bingo card thing...?

welp, Imma leave now, I hope you like dis..