
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Main Artefact - Term 3

Welcome back to another blog. Today, I'll be sharing with you my, "Main Artefact" this one's also important, because not only is it my project, but we worked pretty hard on doing it. Well, Arie's the one who made it, but who cares. Anyways, without any more talk, I hope you enjoy... bye!

So, like our Sub Artefact, or main one is obviously more important, it's the one you have to present infront of hundreds of parents and student, and be ready to answer some questions. These main artefacts could be on; Cities, Trains, Houses, I've explained a lot of times. Anyways, our team decided it would be best to choose a house.

Here's a link, have a look yourself - Planner 5D house

Have you ever made a house?

Anyways, hoped you all enjoyed, sorry this is short, but I'll be seeing you next time...


Sub Artefacts - Term 3

Welcome back to another blog. Today, I'll be sharing with you my, "Sub Artefacts" basically, if you guys don't know about my PBL, when we picked a project to do, such as making a minecraft world, we had to make two or more, (I think) Sub artefacts. We didn't have to do much, but I'll explain anyways. So, I hope you all enjoy this blog, and I'll be seeing you next time... bye!

So like I was saying, we had to make a sub artefact to go along we our main. These sub artefacts didn't have to be much, they just included: Business cards, Posters, stuff like that. Obviously, our team had no idea what we wanted, so we just went with as poster and a business card. But obviously, these sub artefacts obviously had to have some things on them... here they are.

Posters, have to have our driving question, (For those who don't know, our driving question is; What will the future ask of us?) as well as a short, or big, summary of what we were doing. Like if you're making a train, make a short explanation of what you're doing. It also needed our group name, well, I don't actually know if it did, but I think if you didn't have a group name, you needed to just put your group member names. Stuff like that, my group name was called; 'BeansForNeeds' a name I just randomly put while our group was planning. Here's our poster: 

And that's my poster. I think I did good, I think I did what was told, so yeah, 8/10.
Now onto the buisness cards.

These buisness cards, by the way, are literally the worst. They look SO bad, all of them! Terrible. Laminating was terrible, all just so bad, you could literally access the paper, and tear it up easily. Anyways, enough saying how bad our one was, I'll explain what needed to be on it. First of all, it needed your group name, I think. And that's the main part about it. Second one, was names, group names, this one was an easy one. Third, our Gmail addresses, as well as the schools address, lastly... actually, I think that's it. Anyways, here's what I did:

And that's that. I, again, think I did alright. I added what I needed to add, and that's all what matters.

Have you made a poster...?

Yeah, sorry for that question, couldn't think of one. Anyways, quick thing to say, I like all of this. The posters I made were quite good, at least what I think, buisness cards, yes, they didn't come out that good, but... actually, no, they are bad. Well this is coming to an end, I hope you all enjoy what my Sub Artefacts were, and without anymore talk, I'll be seeing you next time...


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Invitations! - Term 3

[Note: By the time this is out, you'll probably have no time to come, sorry, but that's how it is... I hope you enjoy]       

Okay! So, this is a important blog! You guys remember when I did the other invitations to the Digi Awards? well, this one's different! Many other students have made projects on how we can upgrade our future, technology, cars, houses, and more! Students have spent hours working on these, all up to beautiful standards, great creations that could possibly help, and most of all... a lot of fun.

In the event, students have made: Trains, that are possibly more sustainable for the future, houses that can fit more than 16+ people, to save our resources, cities, with awesome structures, buildings, and more! Ways to use our plastic to save our planet, and many more of these awesome creations that you can see!

Here's my invitation! -

Cool, right? I know.

Will you come to the event?

Anyways, again, I hope you all come and have a look at the creations, very great work that the students did. I promise you, all the creations you will see, are truly fantastic. There's a lot of work put into all of them, I think it will be splendid. But with out anymore talk, I hope you all come, and like always...


Friday, September 20, 2019

PBL Planning document - Term 3

Welcome back to another blog. Today, I'll be sharing with you my Planning document for my PBL. I hope you enjoy, and see you later. Also, I can't be bothered writing that much, I'm lazy. So, here's some of it.

So, this PBL document is just based around our question. (What will the future ask of us) and we had to copy this doc, that was on our site. Well, I'm not gonna show you the doc. Anyways, here's my thing.

My PBL question…

How would we ensure overpopulation doesn’t have a huge impact towards the future.
My ideas on this topic already…

Neru: I think we should keep an eye on our resources, if resources get low, we would be in trouble. We should also keep an eye on our population, when it gets to high, westop making children. Also, another Idea, empower women. Studies show that women with access to reproductive health services find it easier to break out of poverty, while those who work are more likely to use birth control. Meaning, NO BABIES!

Arie: I think we should have a limit of how many kids can be born.

Max: I think we should make it so if you don't have enough money to pay for food or medicine for your child, you can't have a child
Research (with links) to current research...

A prototype of my design looks like…

Minecraft house that can fit a lot of people - We want it to look like this:
The Help I need from my teachers is...

Information about the topic, business cards.
My checkpoints are:

Week 6: 

Week 7:

Week 8: 

Week 9:

Week 10: Final product exposition - Wednesday 25 September
What is your project?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I'll be seeing you later...


R.E Advertisement - Term 3

Welcome back to another blog. Today, I'll be sharing with you my "R.E Marriage Advertisement" so, before I get into it. Imma explain. I think, it was like 1 week ago. You know what? I'll explain down below. So, I hope you all enjoy this post, and I'll be seeing you later!

So, like a week ago. We had to pick a sacrament, these sacraments consisted of: Marriage, Reconciliation, stuff like that. Anyways, I picked marriage, and it's not just marriage, like you get married in like a park, it's getting married in the catholic church, meaning you can get closer to the lord and savour, protector of all, our loving God. 

Anyways, our ACTUAL task was to make an advertisement. But, as we all know, if your going to start a project, or anything in general, make a plan. So that plan, I couldn't do it on my chromebook at the time, so I did it in my book. We also had to research, and obviously I couldn't research, so my amazing, teacher, Miss. Powick, printed out a little sheet, that had information about marriage in the catholic church, here's what I did for my planning:

What do I know about marriage in the catholic church?
According to videos online, people say getting married in the catholic church is because they want to be closer to God, or so God can can closer to them. Getting married in the catholic church can also mean getting forgiven my God himself, him forgiving you for all the sins you have done.

Rules about getting married in the catholic church:
1. At least one person MUST be baptised.
2. Each person getting married, is entering upon their own free will; neither person could be coerced into marriage
3. Each person must not be impeded by any natural or ecclesiastical law.

Once I've put these down, it was time to make the advertisement. But there were a few rules. These advertisement needed a picture. I had a good idea, here's what I did, for my advertisement:

So yeah, I think I did good. I added pictures of the marriage, I added all the things I needed to add, I think I did good.

[When older] Do you want to get married in the Catholic Church?

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed. To be honest, I like this task, I really enjoyed making all the details, adding what I need to add, just all that. I REALLY think we should do this again. Anyways, I hoped you all enjoyed this blog, and I'll be seeing you next time...


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Volunteering - Term 3

Welcome back to another blog. Today, I'll be sharing with you, what I did for my, Volunteering. What that is, we went to different places, Like, the food bank, and volunteered to help them. For this one, I went to the, "Food Bank" and that's what I'll be sharing with you, my day at the food bank... yeah... anyways, enough talk, hope you enjoy this post, and I'll be seeing you later!

So, the food bank is a place where they help anyone in need. Going online, choose from different packs with different tasty foods, and get them delivered to you! I think... the food bank is really nice! They accept everyone to: People who have diabilities, homeless people, different people from different races. And just plain out everyone. So that's really nice. Also, hundreds of people come everyday to help sort different packs, and just there to have a great time, so yeah...

When I first arrived inside, I was shocked on how much food there was, (I love food) from different isles, like chips, chocolate, crackers, juices, even supplies like toilet paper. The lady who worked there, explained what we had to do. There was a box, with different foods and drinks, and we ha to match it, by putting the food in the other boxes. After that, we put the boxes in different places, like small boxes, went in he small isle. 

The first box was, "Large". We got chips, toilet paper, milk, juice boxes, stuff like that. Then another Large box had stuff like, cans, chocolate eggs, chocolate coated oreos, chocolate blocks, a lot of chocolate. And also had some stuff like milk and that.

Second box was, "Medium" this one was a little harder, packing the same stuff, but with a little extra, like throw in some mayo, or cracker, even MORE cans. So, this one we kinda were stuck on. In the end, we finished those boxes, and had a break.

I was basically chatting with the teacher we went with, Miss. Henderson, or as I put it, Miss. Hendo Hendoson. A great teacher. I asked her, "What's her most embarrassing moment in your life?" she said some stuff, but I don't think she even asked her my question. Meh, I'll try later.

Last box was the hardest, Small. With extra detail like adding in more chocolate, salt, even gravy mixture, made it more hard, as we were scattering around the place all the time, once we finished the first load of boxes, we were onto the second load. Me and my friend Xavier, were work buddies, grabbing a trolley, loading it with different foods/materials we needed. We helped a TON. Made the process easier. After that, I was tired. So tired I sat anywhere I could find.

When we finished, they said thank you, but also, they gave us about, 100 chocolate blocks, as a reward for helping them, at school, we didn't get to have one, instead, the teachers thought about making a bake sale, I wonder how's that gonna be.

What did you do for Volunteering?

That's it. I thought this was a ton of fun, and it was. Literally the coolest thing ever. It just feels good when packing the boxes, you know it's gonna go to someone in need, you just feel like a hero. That's about it, so, thank you for reading my blog, an without anymore talk...


Completed Narrative - Term 3

Welcome back to my blog. So, before we get into it. If you've seen my blog about my, "Narrative Planning Template" you would know. But if you don't, I'll explain. So yeah, hope you enjoy my post, and uh, see you later.

So, like I said, our, "Planning Template" I did this weeks ago, and it's basically just a template, that tells you to fill in the, Problem, Resolution, Setting, Characters, Climax, what happens towards the end of the story, stuff like that. So yeah, I filled that out. Go to one of my other posts, you will see what I thought I was going to do. Anyways, here's the story, tell me what you think, and... yeah! Enjoy!


YEAR: 301X
Kara: “Where… am… I?”

Kara: “What do… you mean?”

“Recently, you were involved in a… car accident, you were busted into pieces 2 days ago, I am repairing you, while I am, though, you may ask some questions, or examine your surroundings.”

I look around my surroundings… there are several claws coming into my chest. Just placing parts in, adding new components, and many wires sticking out. I take a look to examine the place I am in. It appears that I am in a bright, white room. Although, there is one window ahead of me. I try my best to look outside, and see a line of… people? Just shifting across a metal bar in some sort of box. Like they are in some sort of conveyor. I now want to ask some questions.

Kara: “Who are you?”
While I am talking, I’m spun around to be worked on repairing my back.

“I am just here to repair you, I am also not a real thing or person, this world has advanced so much, you can ask me anything, and I will answer. Would you like to know more when I have finished?”

My new arms are now attached to me.
Kara: “Yes…”

“Once I have finished repairing you, you will be put into a van with other androids, which you would be momentarily shut offline until you arrive at your new destination”

My new destination? What does he mean by that? Androids?
Kara: “My new, destination?

“Yes, your new destination, you will arrive in a shop on, Kenwood Rd. Which you will be standing inside the shop, waiting for someone to buy you.”

What? People what to buy me?  Hmm… I do want to ask more questions before I ask this…
Kara: “Where am I currently?”
“Ah, excellent question. You are at CyberLife, a technological factory/company where we create Androids. ‘Roman Theodore’ is the founder of this wonderful place, created in the year 2989. Which he quoted, ‘This will change our lives, this will change the future, this will change the world.’ Everyone adores this man, they act like he’s the one who created the world, he did change it though...”

Roman Theodore… he… created me? 
Kara: “What will happen when I am bought…?”

“You will obey that person, you will do whatever he says”
But… I don’t want that…
Kara: I don’t… want that…

“I’m sorry, that’s the whole point of androids”
Kara: ” I-I DON’T WANT THIS!!”

“Please calm dow-”

“I need you to calm down, if you don’t… something terrible will happen to you”
Kara: No! I-I’m… scared...

“Hmm… there appears to be something interesting… it appears that you have emotions. I have to throw you out, I’m sorry”
Kara: What?

“I’m going to start removing some parts”
Kara: NO!
The claws start dissembling my arms, taking out components, removing little pieces of metal from me… I don’t want this to happen to me again… I want to live, please, stop.
Kara: No, please, stop.

Every second my body slowly disappears, both of my arms are gone, one leg is too. I’m basically a head right now.

“I will. Until you say you swear to do the right thing, if not, I’m going to have to put you in the junkyard, sorry, this is the only way, these are the rules of CyberLife, please just do what you're told, I will give you one chance to do the right thing”
The claws freeze, all the machines freeze… what do I do? I don’t want to serve anyone… I don’t want to get destroyed… I… want to be free… NO! I WILL NOT SERVE ANYONE!
Kara: NEVER!


Suddenly, the claws start staring, the machine start ripping out more, and more components, my legs were off, two machines holding them, just them… hanging there… I’m just a head… both of the claws go straight to my eyes, one claw got one… my other one nearly out… I-I do… I don’t want this… 

???: STOP!
The machines stop… 

???: This one is interesting… repair her!
“Sir, this android was showing emotions, this was a rule if an Android was-

???: SILENCE! Do, what I say. NOW!

The machines start putting my components in, they start screwing my arms and legs back in as well… who was that?

???: Once you’ve finished, bringing her to me. I need to talk with her.
“Yes, sir”
He’s start putting my body back together. Little metal fragments are placed in my chest, so are a few components, like my eye, or my hearing component. My body is back together now, I no longer have missing metal fragments in my chest, everything was repaired …

“Hold still”
Kara: What is going o-

There I go… I was zooming through every bit of the factory it seemed. I was sort of like on a conveyor. My chair stopped, and went slowey. From where I was at, there were windows on each side of me. I could look out and see massive buildings and trains that looked like they were flying. The cars were just hovering above the ground, and planes still looked the same. Is this what the future really is? Everything looks so advanced. Before I could see the rest of everything, I quickly start moving at the speed of light, again.

Everything looks like your in one weird tunnel. You could see different colours, but then they would change, I always heard different noises. Some noises sound like banging, some sound like screwing different parts into Androids, some we're even the sound of clanging against ground or some sort. How could I know?
I wasn’t that scared to be honest. I have emotions, but everything seemed so… light. I felt like I was in one of those cars outside, and just feeling the wind against my hand as I drive past everything. Well, I actually can’t feel anything. So what would be the point? But I just feel so free.

My chair stops and I opened my eyes. There’s quite a large door right in front of me, with two humans I think beside with guns. I scan them. 

‘Robert Williamson’ 
Age - 42
Address - Skittleton Road

The other one.

‘Michael Peterson’
Age - 38
Address - Nickwood Ave

I need to escape… Robert comes up to me, loosening the straps were wrapped around my hand. Before he could take it off me, I wanted to tell him to stop…

Kara: Please, just let me go. I want to be free.
Robert: “I’m sorry, factory rules. Also, Roman wants to see you, can’t disobey that man”
Kara: Please…
Robert: “You ain’t gonna fool me, I know what you're gonna do. You androids are basically animals, I know what you're gonna do if I let them go.”

He hates androids? Why is he working here? 

Kara: If you hate androids so much, why you working here?
Robert: “Cause it’s the only job I can do. You filthy piles of junk are taking over all the jobs, just because of you, not one job has humans anymore, except this one. 
Kara: Maybe we can sort things out, listen, just let me go.. Please.”
Robert: “I already said no, say that again, all you’ll be is a bag of scra-”
The doors open.
Both guards quickly hesitate and salute. 
???: What’s taking so long?

The same voice… this time, I see a person standing where the doors opened, he has a long beard and is wearing a suit with glasses on. SCANNING. R-Roman Theodore? Really? Weird thing is, it won’t tell me where his address is. I can probably guess why.

Roman: Do your job correctly, and take her inside.
I am pushed inside… it’s so bright. Vases are everywhere, machines are carrying coffee or something like that, holograms were appearing out of nowhere. It was quite a wonderful site. Roman came out of a room, and asked me to “Not be afraid” “I just want to talk” and other stuff like that. We sat done and chat. He was talking about how ‘Special’ I was. How I was different to others. I was trusting him, until he mentioned served. I didn’t want that at all. I saw a window quite close to me. My idea could be dangerous, but better than working as a robot slave. Known as an android. I needed to distract him. I asked him, “What’s that behind” he turned around and started talking about it. Now’s my chance. I quickly jumped up from my seat, and burst out through the window. I tumble down very quickly, smashing hundreds of windows. I hit my back against a little balcony, and start falling again. *POW* I knock hard on the ground. I lost one of my arms, also a chunk of my leg. My hearing component was really damaged, I can barely hear anything. My eyes are pretty broken. Everywhere I look is just static. Bits of metal pieces aren’t in my body, holes are everywhere. Lights are flashing in my direction. “KARA! COME BACK HERE!” It’s Roman, I need to get out of here, I slowly try to push myself off the ground, I can’t. Looks like I’m gonna have to crawl. I make my way behind a tree that was nearby. “WHERE IS SHE!?” “YOU BOYS AREN’T GOING HOME UNTIL YOU FIND HER!” I crawl outside of this wretched, terrible area, and head for a road. I continue to crawl all the way until I see a couple of houses. I go to the closest one, I spot a little cellar. It’s locked. Although, I suppose I can break it. I rip it apart.


I was leaving a trail of blue ink substance everywhere I crawled. I also didn’t have that much time. I decided it would be good to just live out my days down in this cellar. Welp, I’ve had… an actual terrible life, this is it. Goodbye.

Shutting down…

Now, this story was cut short, I didn't do what my planning said. Basically, I thought it would've took to long. My planning just seemed a bit too, long, and it was due ages ago. I'm sorry if I've disspointed you people, next time, I'll try my best to do a finished project, making a longer, more detailed story. Doing what I have to do. Again, sorry if I've disappointing you. Wasn't going for this short, but it's what I could do. Anyways, next!

So, I think I did good. Yes, yes, wasn't what I thought, but still, did good. Some bits from my planning are in this story, so that's a one plus. And that's I can say. Actually, thank you teachers. If you guys don't know, I LOVE writing. I love every aspect of it. It's like a poem, expressing yourself, it's something I can do, and love it. Well, I can, I know this doesn't seem like a proper story, but yeah, I still love writing. So that's enough talk, hoped all of you have enjoyed, and without anymore talk...


Winter Sports - Term 3

Welcome back to my blog. Today, I'll be sharing with you my, "Winter Sports" you all know what winter sports is, you basically choose 2 sports you want to play, then you trial for both, and see which one you get picked into, based on your sill. If... uh... you aren't that good, you get put into lower teams, (Like team C) with other players like you. If you did good, then you go into a higher team. (Like team A) Enough talking! Hope you enjoy this blog, and see ya later!

So, the two sports I chose, were, "Soccer" and "Hockey" now, hockey, I'm really good at. Well, at least that's what I think. I've played hockey during other winter sports, and yes, I did make it into the C teams, but that's beside the point. I did trial for hockey, doing different stuff, like, passing the ball to each other, doing a zig-zag with the ball, trying to not let it fly off, stuff like that. And I actually tried to get into hockey. But, soccer? I didn't even trial for that.

During soccer trials, it was rainy pretty heavily, and I didn't have the right equipment, AND also didn't trial. BUT I MADE IT INTO THE SOCCER TEAM! It's pretty weird, right? Anyways, later on, I started to like it. Not only were some of my friends there, but I felt like I was good. My friends said I was a pretty good goal keeper. Which I didn't really think so. I was still good though. But yeah, just thoughts.    

The first team we versed, was an all girls team. Now, during this game, it was Term 2, and our goal was, "How can we speak up against discrimination?" and yeah, obv couldn't say that they were bad because they were girls, so that's what we did, we just told them, "Good game" and didn't say anything else. We versed them like, 5 times. And we won most of them. don't wanna say this, but... Miss. Lover was saying how we destroyed them! Ha! Funnnnnyyy! Woooooooow. Anyways, that was that.

Our team wasn't the best, we were on the C team, so we must've been bad! We did try our best. We won some times, but we lost basically all the games. There was one team that I forgot the name was, that was like, the best friends. They are amazing! I just talked to them, making funny comments, nothing bad, of course, just trying to spice up the game with laughter and such. Every game that we did, I would just jump, then plant on the ground. It was like my signature move, I would just roll on the ground. I thought it was cooool. 

Sometimes, we got other people from different teams, or different sport teams, join us cause our players were low. OH! Speaking of players, our team consisted of about, 7, players. These were:

Andreas, a funny boy who would make funny comments and run on the field, acting like he has no Idea what's going on. Great for making players laugh.

Rueben John, a quite good player, with many great moments. Also funny. Great to have as a friend, and great to have on the team.

Max Haliday, a tall, amazing man, with good defence. Blocks every ball coming to the goal, making us win like a champ. Not even a single person could be quite chill as him. Also, very cuddly.

Jayden, my friend, and an amazing boy, who would cheer you on while you're playing. Also there when needed. He's also bright, and a good player to have around. Like piggybacks as well

Pachis, (Sorry if spelt wrong) a great goal keeper, and an amazing defender, with kicks that could send the ball outta this world!

Christopher, a boy who was a good player, keeping the ball away from the enemy. Looks shy, but deep inside, he's strong like a lion!

Haaron, a boy that can score a goal at anytime. Very, skilled player. A fast little fella as well. Great person to have on every team. Lastly,

Josh O' Connel, a funny little man, who's not the good, but doesn't matter. We aren't all perfect, so who cares. He tries his best, even if he doesn't score, he's still there to bright up the mood. 

And that's all the members. Wait, we can't forget about our amazing coaches.

Miss. Parish/Mrs Runey, a teacher who is a great teacher, that got married, is always there to support you, if you aren't doing good, she'll be good to convince you. Amazing coach as well. And of course,

Miss. Lover, bright, teacher, who laughs at every joke, and has super powers. Great coach and teacher, helping you with whatever needs doing. 

That's all I got today, folks! 

What did you do for Winter Sports?

Nah, before I leave, thank you for reading my post. Now, I'm not a big fan of sports, even if I am trying, I don't like it in general. But this was fun! Actually trying your best, scoring all the goals, feelling like an champ. Can't wait for next winter, probably do the same sport again. Anyways, thanks for listening, and uh...


Novel Study Slides - Term 3

Welcome back to another blog post. Yes, yes, I know. I haven't been doing that much blogs lately. But that's my fault. I wasn't doing the right thing. Anyways, today I'll be sharing with you my, 'Novel Study Slides' basically, I don't actually remember If i actually told you this, but we got given books based on we, you know what? I think I did. So yeah, we then had to do a Slide, or in other words, it was basically a recap on our book. Anyways without any more talk. Here we go, enjoy!

So yeah, in our slide, well, EACH SLIDE, we had to do a different task. In the first one, we had to write a whole paragraph about our novel. In that paragraph, we had to annotate the: Setting, we had to share points that may be vital to the story's conflict, or resolution. I think i did pretty good. i covered all the points, I told the setting, etc. So here it is. -

"The setting takes place in New Zealand, back in the 1920’s. In ‘Briden Orphanage’ in May. Kenny, and her sister, Char, were put in the orphanage, by their mother, because, she had to do something. Gustache, and Matron are the two horrible people who run it, torching the kids by giving not giving them the stuff they need. Kenny has always looked up to his Dad, his Dad died quite some time ago, but Kenny got taught boxing lessons the taught him to defend himself. They are freed by their Aunty Ivy, who is a kind, loving Aunty who is always there when needed, also they’re there with their Uncle Alf, their Dad’s brother. Before Kenny got… adopted by his aunt, he saw Gustache and Someone wearing a cap, taking boxes outta Gustache’s car, and locking it in some kind of shed. Kenny had been suspicious, and wanted to know what was in those boxes. News came around that one lady has lost their vase, or in other words, stolen.

Back at school, Kenny was framed of theft, Mr. Smelly set this up for him to look guilty, by putting a 5 dollar note in his draw, etc, etc. Kenny and his gang. (Char, his loyal sister, Max, his loved, cousin, Ed, their disabled neighbour, and Matilda, an enemy, but now a ally who has a beautiful sister, and lives in a lolly shop) Kenny now knows Smelly was the man in the cap. They go to the shed, break in, and find boxes fulled with all the stolen stuff.  Jewellery, Vases, etc. Gustache and Smelly busts them. Char, Matilda, and Ed escape. While Kenny and Max are tied up. Gustache/Smelly plan to throw them in a Lake, to make in look like an accident. While their un-tieing them, Max kicks Smelly in the face, causing an Epic fight. Kenny, grabbing on to Gustache wrestle on the ground. After a few moments, Char and their pet dog come outta now where and save them. They run home, Gustache and Smelly caught, Kenny is now happy. Although, before, they got given a box with all of their Dads treasure. Like a bible and such. Him and Char got through all the treasures, and remember all the good times. They are now sad, but also happy. THE END"

That's about it... sorry if that's a bit too long, but, I really tried. Anyways, onto the next slide!

So on this slide, we had to make a google drawing on how we visualise the setting. For an example, if your setting took place in a... school. Then make a google drawing, by putting shapes and stuff like that to form a school. You can also add different detail. Once you've done your drawing, you gotta point a arrow (For example, point a arrow towards the school) then label what it is. So if you've put a tree on your drawing, label that, tree. Enough explaining! Here's my drawing -
I know, I didn't put in that much effort, but I did make what I visualise. You may know why I did an orphanage. Because the paragraph I did said that's where they basically came from. That's, that done. Next slide.

This one was called, "Character Study" on this slide, using the template that the slide provided, we chose one character from our story, and wrote what we pictured what they looked, wrote the characteristics of our characters, and wrote the actions our character did. For my character, I did the main person in the story, that is Kenny. A brave little boy who goes on, CRAZY adventures. Enough of the explaining, here's what I did: (Actually, before I told you what I did, when I tell you what he looks like, I'm saying what I, ACTUALLY think he looks like, okay? Everything cleared up? Okay, on with the blog)

What does he look like? -
[Before I tell you, I got this information from the picture on the book, so yeah, I don't know if he does look like this, I just thought the picture on the book is Kenny, thanks, and here's what I put]

He wears a, Grey shirt, Black coat, and Grey coat. Looks like an absolute hero.

Actions (What does the character do?) -
My character is a leader of some, ‘Gang’ he does the most dangerous missions, takes his ‘gang’ on crazy adventures, he sticks up for his friends/family, he strives to do the right thing, to prove his innocents. He tries to bust Gustache and Smelly for stealing all the missing Jewellery, Vases, etc, all around town.

He beats up Gustache and Smelly (Along with other members of his ‘gang’) long story short, he goes on crazy adventures, does dangerous missions. Tries to convince that Gustache/smelly are the bad guy, and that’s about it.

Characteristics -

My character is really brave, all in other words, has guts. I wouldn’t say he’s kind. But, he does care for his family, and friends. He’s strong and always sticks up for one-another, and , like I said, strives to do the right thing. Sometimes he might be sad for his father or mother, but I know he stays strong. 

That's what I did for this one. I think I actually did good. All the points in the paragraphs are a match to the story, Kenny does do this, so yeah. Anyways, on with the next slide!

"Novels often have several problems throughout them. These are used to engage the reader and make them continue reading"
"Using screencastify, explain one problem that has occurred in your story"

I think you guys might know what I'm going to be doing. I got to do a screencastify. In this screencastify, I answered three questions, these were: 

"What is the background to your problem?"
"What rising action lead to the climax?"
"How did your character solve the problem?"

So yeah. My screencasitify, (I think) is about 2-3 minutes. I'm not sure, I forgot. Anyways, here's my screencastify - "You've got guts, Kenny Melrose | Screencastify"

So, before I move on, I didn't sound amused at all. I sounded sad, I think. I covered, well, answered the questions, but also did a full recap on the story. I think I did good, sure, It might of been a bit longer than I anticipated, but who cares. I did do the task, did I not? Let's just move onto the next slide.

LAST SLIDE! I know, I know! Amazing, we are onto the last slide. Now, for this one. We had to make a D.L.O (Basically, make like a quiz, or a comic strip, stuff like that) I chose a Quiz on, Quizizz. (Link to Quizizz) but the limit was 13 questions, so that's what I did. 

These are my questions:

"What month and year doe this book take place?"
"What is the name of the Orphanage?"
"What are the managers names?"
"Before school, what chores do the boys do?'
"What's Kenny's Aunty's name?"
"What did Kenny's Dad teach him before he died?"
"How many members does Kennys, 'Gang' consist of?"
"Where was his Uncle Alf injured?
"What did Mr. Smelly say to Kenny, that he'll never forget?"
"What is Kenny's cousins name?"
"What's the name of Max's neighbour?"
"How old is Charolette? (Kenny's sister)"
"During the time in the Orphanage, what is Kenny's favourite task to do?"

And... that's it. I think my Quiz is good. It has the 13 questions, all of them relate to the story, so yeah. Thank you!

What's your favourite book to read?

Anyways, thanks for reading my blogs. I could've done more detail on my stuff. Again, I'm sorry for not doing any blogs, that's my fault. So once again, thank you for reading. Thank you teachers for this task, really expresses on what you think of your book, and uh...