So In gonna make a story about how i have bad grammar, I hope you enjoy!
Meny yars ago dere wus a pursin nam deelen dis dood had a familee (Luckee) now he met a frand kooled Ariel Kreeakay, and anuther frand kooled Glan. Now wen deelen wen hom he saw a dog and den he ate it. Now dere wus dis dood kooled Joey an he wus a bum, he had no frands. He wen up tu deelen an sed: "can I be ur frand?" an deelen turnd aroun an sed "na b ur werd an u hav no frands" den Joey turnd aroun an sed: "Wow u r so meen" deelen
an den walked awai.
I hoped you guys enjoyed my free choice lol.
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